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doc+ for HxGN EAM

In your organization how much time do the technicians and employees spend each year spent on search manuals, reports that are no longer found, emails that requested or authorized a job, warranty modules or “lost” documents indispensable for their work?

Management of documents and files information leads in your processes more business efficiency and solves one of your biggest and most expensive problems.

doc+ helps to log in and to manage all kinds of document for any transaction or process corporate: not just those related to maintenance, but the whole «corporate documentation»


Why DOC+

The doc + extension module will index the information contained in HxGN EAM and in attached documents and offers the functionality of «Global Search», a single fast search point with an intuitive “Google” style.

Are the documents are often edited and added to the system? Are there more versions? Is it required to implement “privacy” policies? or manage authorization flows and approvals?

The doc + extension offers for HxGN EAM the features to create a real «document Management»